Since I'm a brand-new author and nobody has heard of me yet, you might be wondering if it's worth it to spend your time and money on my books.
But, there's no need to worry, because I wrote a free prequel novella that you can check out to see if can put them words together good.
This is the story of two of the future members of my main character Zain's harem, and how they met. They're two Amazon warriors with very different personalities, set against the backdrop of a battle between the Amazon nation and a very well-equipped mercenary company called the Korchra Reapers--vicious slavers who employ shadow-aspected weapons, equipment, and mounts. These include monstrous spiders the size of houses and giant Shadow Golems--automatons composed of brass-plated steel skeletons supporting "flesh" of solid magical darkness.
Interested in more? You can download the ebook version of the story, or just read it on this website.
I hope I've piqued your interest enough to give the story a try. Happy reading, everyone!